Lowongan Kerja PT Luna Boga Narayan Untuk SMA/SMK Penempatan 13 Kota
Profil Perusahaan
Jiwa Group didirikan tahun 2015, bergerak di bidang Management of Food & Beverage Franchising. Telah bergabung dua brand yang bergerak di bawah management perusahaan dengan jumlah outlet melebihi 180 di seluruh Indonesia. Visi kami adalah menjadi perusahaan F&B yang dinamis dan menjadi perusahaan F&B dengan multi brand terbesar locally dan regionally.
Membuka lowongan untuk posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Supervisor Outlet
- Minimum SMA/SMK
- Someone 160cm and higher are fit in this position
- Dress nicely
- Experienced at least two years in F&B, Retail industry is a plus
- Experienced at least a year being a Store Leader
- Understand about Stock Opname Management and Retail Cash Flow Management
- Have been achieving Sales Target Successfully
2. Barista Full-Time
- Someone under 26 years old
- Someone 160cm (Male) 156cm (Female) and higher are fit in this position
- Love to dress nicely
- Experienced at least a year as Barista
- Know how co calibrate with Coffee Machine
- Have received minimum the 2nd dose vaccine
3. Barista Part-Time
- Someone under 25 years old
- Someone 160cm (Male) 156cm (Female) and higher are fit in this position
- Love to dress nicely
- Experienced at least 3-6 months in F&B industry
- Fresh Graduate in Culinary Art (Tata Boga) and Hospitality major are very welcome
- Have received minimum the 2nd dose vaccine
4. Barista Trainee
- Someone under 25 years old
- Someone 160cm (Male) 156cm (Female) and higher are fit in this position
- Love to dress nicely
- Experienced at least 3-6 months in F&B industry
- Fresh Graduate in Culinary Art (Tata Boga) and Hospitality major are very welcome
- Have received minimum the 2nd dose vaccine
Placement in Area
- Jakarta
- Bekasi, Cikarang, Karawang
- Depok, Bogor, Sukabumi
- Bandung, Sumedang, Tasikmalaya, Cirebon
- Tangerang
- Jawa Tengah
- Jawa Timur
- Bali
- Daftarkan dirimu secara online melalui link berikut :
- Jakarta [KLIK DISINI]
- Bekasi, Cikarang, Karawang [KLIK DISINI]
- Depok, Bogor, Sukabumi [KLIK DISINI]
- Bandung, Sumedang, Tasikmalaya, Cirebon [KLIK DISINI]
- Tangerang [KLIK DISINI]
- Jawa Tengah [KLIK DISINI]
- Jawa Timur [KLIK DISINI]