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Lowongan Kerja PT Dian Raya Cipta Penempatan Bekasi

Profil Perusahaan

Since its establishment in early 2011, PT. Dian Raya Cipta has specialized in the industrial and automotive industry with a wide variety of commercial and industrial projects. Dian Raya Cipta originated as a reliable trading center and slowly moved into industrial projects, such as blower installation, construction, and roofing, product development of pallet changers, along with others. The complexity and diverse projects have helped Dian Raya Cipta build a strong technical foundation to become one of the most reliable OEM manufacturers of automotive parts. 

Membuka lowongan untuk posisi sebagai berikut:

Posisi Administrasi Untuk SMK/D3 Penempatan Bekasi

Posisi dan Kualifikasi:

1.) Administrasi

  1. Pria dengan usia maksimal 28 tahun.
  2. Min. SMK/Diploma/Sarjana (Teknik Industri, Administrasi, Akuntansi).
  3. Fresh Graduate diperbolehkan.
  4. Memiliki kepribadian yang teliti, proaktif, dan komunikatif.
  5. Menguasai Ms. Office dan Ms. Excell.
  6. Menguasai pembuatan diagram/chart.
  7. Penempatan di Kawasan Industri Delta Silicon 3, Cikarang


PT Dian Raya Cipta - Kawasan Industri Delta Silicon 3, Jl. Pinang No.18, Cicau, Kec. Cikarang Pusat, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530

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